Thursday, November 29, 2012

Nursery Update

We decided to hire someone to paint the nursery since Jeff and I really only enjoy the first 30 mins of painting and that's about it. It's just one of those things in life where it's easier to have a professional do it. The painter came Friday morning at 9 and was done and gone by 12 noon. He used none of that blue tape and got green paint on only the walls. I can assure you that Jeff and I would have had to repaint the ceiling and clean it up off the carpet if we had done it! Oh, and chances are it would still not be done. :) I had ordered some letters from an old friend that does vinyl lettering. I was anxious to get them up before my Mom left so I started to put them up Saturday night. They had a really hard time sticking, but my friend said it's probably because the paint was not all the way dry. Because I'm impatient, I preformed what felt like surgery and got all the letters up and done by Sunday night. The nursery is now complete minus some paintings that I would like to find to hang on the walls as well as figuring out where I want my little shelves to go. Oh, and the major item... the baby!!

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