Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

I can honestly say that this Memorial Day ranks up there with one of the best weekends ever. Seriously, from the start on Friday afternoon to the end on Monday night, it was perfect. Jeff and the kids spent the day in the sun on Friday so by the time I got home from work, they were exhausted. I was feeling a little sad for some unknown reasons so my Mom sent us to Outback for dinner. Since everyone (except me) was tired, we decided we would go to an early dinner and then go to home for an early night. On the way home, I saw that a friend had 4 free tickets to Saturday night's Redbird game. We were planning on going with some friends Sunday night, but who can pass up FREE tickets?! We were standing outside waiting for our friend to bring the tickets and our neighbors came over. Their little girl played in the sprinkler with P and E and then we all decided to go to their house so the kids could paint. They painted and then jumped in the pool. While the kids played in the pool, the adults got to catch up and enjoy the nice weather. Saturday morning, we got to sleep in a little bit and then headed to Jeff's parents to swim. Linda fixed us lunch and we spent several hours in the pool. That night, we went to the Redbirds game. It was HOT, but thankfully we had GREAT seats and they were even in the shade. I've been to several Redbirds games, but this one was different. Preston watched the entire game. He watched how they stood when batting, how fast the pitcher threw, how the outfielders ran, etc. We ate a lot and I mean a lot! I got up to go to the bathroom and when I came back, Preston had a little surprise. He had gotten a foul ball while I was gone. I didn't think there would be a chance for us to get one because we were behind the net, but we actually had 2 hit up our way. That was all it took for P to have a smile on his face for the rest of the night. The Redbirds fell short, but the fireworks made up for the loss. I tried to get a good picture of Emily's face, but it's pretty dark. I'll post it anyway because it was priceless. Sunday, we went to church and then went back to the Shands' for lunch and more swimming. That night, we all played the Wii for a while. Preston is always asking us to play, but it just seems like there isn't enough time. We let the kids sleep in our room Sunday night because they think it's about the coolest thing ever. Jeff and I did everything we could to make the room dark so we could all (including Ginger) sleep in the next morning. It worked... we all slept until 8:30! We got up and started getting the ribs and homemade peach ice cream ready to take over to the Shands'. Finally everything was ready around 12:30 and we headed back for more eating and swimming. We ended the night with me turning in one of my Mother's Day coupons and letting the kids painting my toenails. I feel exceptionally blessed that God chose Jeff, Preston, and Emily to be my family. I could spend every waking hour with them and still don't think it would be enough.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Good-bye First Grade

It seems like just yesterday that I was taking my first born to his first day of preschool and here we are today and it's his last day of first grade. My goodness how time is flying by! Preston has had a wonderful year and we feel extremely blessed that he gets to go to such a great school with great teachers. His teachers this year were Mrs. Renee Pepin and Mrs. Tina Mayhall. We seriously could not have asked for better teachers. They have been a blessing to our family. Preston has continued to blow our socks off with his intelligence. He made straight A's all 4 nine weeks and ended this semester with a 98% in Language Arts and 100% in Math! We are sooooo proud! He came home with an MCT2 (state test here in MS) practice book yesterday and has already completed several pages in which all of his answers were correct. Friday after his field day, Lotti took us shopping and he wanted to spend his money on books so he bought 2 books that he hopes to have finished by the end of the summer. One of the books is over 300 pages so we set a goal of 2 pages a night starting June 1st. Yeah, Sunday he was already on page 33. :) He definitely gets his smarts from his daddy! Preston Scott Shands, Daddy and I can't say it enough, but we are SO PROUD of you. God has definitely spoiled us by giving you to us. We love you and thank God for the opportunity to be your parents.
Left - first day of 1st grade, Right - last day of 1st grade

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mother's Day

It's probably one of my favorite days of the year... A day when I get to celebrate being a Mom to 2 of the most wonderful children. I also love getting the little things the kids make at school. I often times feel that Dad's get the short end of the stick because their special day is in the summer when the kids are out of school and don't usually get those sweet little cards or questionnaires. I'm sure I say this every year and will probably say it for the rest of my life, but this year has already started off to be the best. Each of the kids wrote things for me and they both made my heart smile and my eyes fill up with tears. I truly am blessed to be a Mom, but feel even more blessed to be the Mom of Preston and Emily.
I thought this was so sweet since she mentioned getting to snuggle twice. We really loved snuggling on Monday mornings. Now we will just have to make sure we get in extra snuggles on Saturday mornings and at night on the couch.
God has really answered a prayer of mine by allowing me to cut my hours at work so I can spend more time with the kids. I have been able to pick both of them up from school several times since I started this new schedule and it has really been a blessing to all of us. Oh, and the other day we were driving and Preston commented on the cool car next to us. I told him it was a Mustang and that Mommy had wanted those all through high school and college. I guess he actually listened to his Mom ramble. :-)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Just a few pictures...

Sparkling Emily

Our sweet little baby isn't really a baby anymore. Last night she graduated from preschool and tomorrow is her last day. She starts Kindergarten in THREE months and I haven't been able to shake off this overwhelming feeling of sadness. Every Monday, I start work early at home so that I can take Emily to school for the day. This time with my sweet lady has become such a blessing to me. Even though I am working, we still manage to snuggle in the bed for a little bit. Yesterday was my last Monday morning at home with her. Ever. :( I know we will have more Monday mornings every once in a while, but I don't imagine they will be the same. I am so blessed to have a job that allowed me to move my schedule around a little bit so I could take her. When I think of Emily, there are several things that come to my mind... She is the most loving little girl, a snuggle bunny, very curious, mischievous, and lately, a prayer warrior. Seriously, if you have a hurt or prayer request, give it to her and she's going to pray about it every night until she eventually asks if you are feeling better (usually a few weeks later). Emily likes all things that glitter and shine. She loves lip gloss, jewelry, playing with her babies, and can't wait to go to the American Girl store so she can buy her baby Belle some new clothes. She is also very smart. She memorized several scriptures, songs, a poem, and the Lord's Prayer for graduation last night. My sweet Emily, you are growing up to be a beautiful little lady. When I asked God to give us another child, I never imagined we would be blessed with such an amazing little angel.

A little catch up on P

Preston is growing up so very fast and is really starting to become a little gentleman. He is about to finish 1st grade and has totally blown Jeff and me out of the water with his love and desire to learn. He has made straight A's this whole year and we couldn't be more proud of him. We have been blessed with amazing teachers, Mrs. Pepin and Mrs. Mayhall (who happens to be a friend from Trinity Baptist). He started his 2nd year of baseball with the city of Southaven. He plays for the Redbirds and is having a lot of fun. This year, he has already hit a home run and a GRAND SLAM! He's still pretty shy and quiet, but comes out of his shell around his friends. Preston, we are so blessed that God gave us you. You are such a nurturing little boy and big brother. Our hearts are beaming with thankfulness to God that He allowed us to care for you here on Earth.

It's TIME!

It's time to get back on the blog wagon. I follow several different blogs by people I know and love and even some total strangers who have shared some incredible God stories that have had me up late reading and weeping as I journey through their lives. Don't worry, those blogs are public and have thousands of followers. I know that God has touched many lives because of their stories. Anyway, I want my kids to be able to go to our blog and read about things that happened in our everyday lives. Life is crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way!