Friday, November 30, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

This Thanksgiving was a little low key, but perfect. My Mom came in town Wednesday night and we enjoyed some shopping and then got up Thursday morning for parade watching and cooking. We loaded up all our goodies and went to the Shands house. We ate until our hearts were content and our tummy's couldn't handle anymore. Then we went fishing. We saw a HUGE catfish that kept coming to the surface to eat the hotdog buns we were throwing in the water, but we couldn't catch him. He was too wise for us. After fishing, Jeff dropped my Mom and me off at Target so we could sit in line (for 4 hours) to get the camera I had seen in the Black Friday ad. He then dropped the kids off with Roy and got his Mom and went to Walmart to get Preston's Christmas present. He said it was absolute chaos. Of course, what else would we expect from Walmart?? He picked my Mom and me up at 9:18 (Target opened at 9pm might I add) and we went home. Friday morning, Linda, my Mom, Emily, and I went to Charleen's in Halls, TN. We try to go every year and always have a great time. We noticed this time that the food and decorations were more expensive than years past. My Mom got me some pretty decorations to go in my garland and I got a little tree for our half bath. She also got a beautiful frame for the baby's room. It was an all day adventure, but it was fun to have time with just the girls. Jeff and Preston also had a great boys day. We got our Christmas tree that night, but were too tired to decorate it so we waited until Saturday night to decorate. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and look forward to an even more enjoyable Christmas.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Nursery Update

We decided to hire someone to paint the nursery since Jeff and I really only enjoy the first 30 mins of painting and that's about it. It's just one of those things in life where it's easier to have a professional do it. The painter came Friday morning at 9 and was done and gone by 12 noon. He used none of that blue tape and got green paint on only the walls. I can assure you that Jeff and I would have had to repaint the ceiling and clean it up off the carpet if we had done it! Oh, and chances are it would still not be done. :) I had ordered some letters from an old friend that does vinyl lettering. I was anxious to get them up before my Mom left so I started to put them up Saturday night. They had a really hard time sticking, but my friend said it's probably because the paint was not all the way dry. Because I'm impatient, I preformed what felt like surgery and got all the letters up and done by Sunday night. The nursery is now complete minus some paintings that I would like to find to hang on the walls as well as figuring out where I want my little shelves to go. Oh, and the major item... the baby!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Well, the nursery is starting to come together. I have had the bedding for a little over a month now and I still love it. We got new bedding for the daybed, and bought a glider rocker. When I bought the bedding, I bought 3 yards of fabric to make curtain panels. I should have known better, but I didn't measure the window before I purchased. I got the fabric and immediately held it up to the window to make sure it was going to work. You guess it... it was too short. So, after talking to some friends and looking on Pinterest and changing my mind a million times, I finally decided that I was going to make a cute cornice board. Easy enough right? At least the people on pinterest made it look easy. After three trips to Lowes for wood, we finally got some we could work with. The first trip left us with sheets of styrofoam. That was a site! Try figuring out how to get that sucker drilled into the wall! The second trip left us with wood shelving that weighed a ton and wouldn't stick together. The third trip left us with 1/4" thick wood that I was determined to make work regardless. Well, we FINALLY finished it last night. Jeff and I almost divorced over it (we do NOT do projects well together), but it's up. I guess I was imagining that the room would look perfect once I got it up, but I stood back and felt that something was missing. First I thought it needed some panels and after talking to family and friends, we've determined that the walls need PAINT! UGH! I was hoping to avoid that catastrophe. AND to top it all off, that sucker is not coming off the wall for us to paint so we'll just have to paint around it I guess. So, Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday, Happy 10th anniversary to us. We're painting a nursery! Can you sense the sarcasm?!!! In all seriousness, I'm so thankful and feel extremely blessed to have our house and that the baby will have his/her own room. I'm just a bit overwhelmed with all the $$ that has gone into this little room. Here's a picture of the cornice board. It had to be that big because our blinds only go up to the bend of the window and the sun shines right through the open part and into the crib.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

One of the Best Weeks

So, this week has been such a blessing in many ways. Monday,my sister found out that the spot they had to biopsy was not cancer. HUGE BLESSING!! Then Wednesday I had my routine Dr. appointment. It was great. We listened to the baby's heartbeat and then they gave me my glucola drink to take home and drink on the way to my appointment in December. After that appointment, I'll start going every 2 weeks. WOW. I just can't believe how quickly this is going by. Before I know it, we'll be bringing little one home with us. So, after my appointment, I drove over to the hospital to stay with Amanda while she was in labor waiting for Griffin to come. To my HUGE surprise, she said I could stay in the room and take pictures if I wanted to. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! If I wanted to?? Of course, I was honored and suddenly got a burst of energy as everything started happening really quickly. She progressed almost 4 cm in 1 hour and was ready to start pushing! Amanda pushed for 15 mins (I'm extremely jealous as this was her FIRST) and Griffin was born. He is absolutely beautiful and perfect. I went back to the hospital a couple times today and both Mom and baby are doing great. Tommie is deployed so he will not be able to hold Griffin until he comes home in March most likely. As I looked at Griffin, I just marveled at the fact that God is so great. To think that he had just been inside Amanda and now he's out for good just blows my mind. I also got overwhelmed with thankfulness for this baby inside me. I told Jeff that if I had not already been pregnant, I would have come home and asked if we could have a baby. At that point, he reminded me that it would have most likely been too late. Once again, God shows me that He knows our hearts even better than we do. My heart is at the point where I know time is going to come to a screeching halt because I CANNOT wait for baby C to get here! Anyway, I am thankful to God for all His blessings and for giving us exactly what we need even when we aren't expecting it. God is good... All the time.
I didn't get a picture of Emily "holding" him because I let her help me hold him so I didn't have a free hand to take a picture, but she was loving on him like crazy. I think we are going to have to buy another Boppy for the kids to use once baby C gets here!