Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mother's Day

It's probably one of my favorite days of the year... A day when I get to celebrate being a Mom to 2 of the most wonderful children. I also love getting the little things the kids make at school. I often times feel that Dad's get the short end of the stick because their special day is in the summer when the kids are out of school and don't usually get those sweet little cards or questionnaires. I'm sure I say this every year and will probably say it for the rest of my life, but this year has already started off to be the best. Each of the kids wrote things for me and they both made my heart smile and my eyes fill up with tears. I truly am blessed to be a Mom, but feel even more blessed to be the Mom of Preston and Emily.
I thought this was so sweet since she mentioned getting to snuggle twice. We really loved snuggling on Monday mornings. Now we will just have to make sure we get in extra snuggles on Saturday mornings and at night on the couch.
God has really answered a prayer of mine by allowing me to cut my hours at work so I can spend more time with the kids. I have been able to pick both of them up from school several times since I started this new schedule and it has really been a blessing to all of us. Oh, and the other day we were driving and Preston commented on the cool car next to us. I told him it was a Mustang and that Mommy had wanted those all through high school and college. I guess he actually listened to his Mom ramble. :-)

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