Monday, June 18, 2012

3 John 1:4

Yesterday was Father's Day and it's a day Jeff, Preston, nor myself will ever forget. Jeff and the kids went to VBS (Jeff helped his Mom in recreation) at Colonial Baptist last week. Their long time Children's director and VBS coordinator had passed away last year making this VBS the first one in a long time without her. There were several memorial donations made in her honor and the church decided to give each child that attended a Bible in memory of Grady. Preston is very excited and proud of his new "Amazing Wonders Aviation" Bible and was reading out of it on the way home from Father's Day lunch and swimming at the Shands yesterday. He read Romans 3:23 out loud and I decided it was time to really sit down with him and talk. Over the last year, Preston has been asking questions about what it means to be a Christian. Jeff and I have done our best to answer them and help him along this journey, but wanted to make sure that he was fully ready. The conversation Preston and I had yesterday afternoon could not have been more special and led to him admitting that he was ready to ask Jesus to come into his heart, but was scared to get baptized. At Highpoint, they refer to baptism as "going public". They bring you in a few weeks before your scheduled baptism date and video your story. When the day comes for you to be baptized, you get in a tub and have all your family and friends gather around you and support you as your video is being played. Then your family member or friend baptizes you. Not really to our surprise, this terrified Preston. My sweet little boy is very shy and the thought of being in front of people with a spotlight on him was keeping him from making the most important decision of his life. Jeff and I talked to him last night before bed and told him that God tells us to be baptized and to be obedient to Him, he would need to be baptized, but he didn't have to do it today. Once we told him that, it was like a weight had been released and he was ready. Jeff led him through the sweetest prayer while Preston repeated it with full smiles and I cried. :) I am convinced that there is nothing more precious than watching your husband lead your child to Christ. When we dedicated Preston, our pastor gave us a letter to give to Preston on the day he accepts Christ. We were able to give that letter to Preston last night and he read it with such excitement. Brother David referenced Luke 15:10 "In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Preston Scott Shands, your Mom and Dad are so happy that you have chosen to receive the greatest gift ever given to you. We pray that you will walk in the light of God every day and that you will tell everyone you know about the awesome God you now serve. We love you and are so happy to welcome you as our new brother in Christ. Thanks be to God for his grace and mercy. We are so undeserving. 3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."

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