Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Buying a House is NOT for the Faint at Heart!

Ok, so I knew that going into the whole house hunting process, but geez, today has been a day! Between emails and phone calls not being returned as soon as I would like and finding out that our contract got hung up and therefore never got sent to our mortgage lady, this has been a scary day. Thankfully, I have a wonderful Mom and realtor (Jeff can't talk during most of the day since he's teaching) that keep reminding me that God has this and it's all in His control. Stress has no part of His provision for our lives. I've calmed down A LOT, but that is probably due to the fact that we have finally locked in an interest rate (and a great one at that!) and I've just signed about 35 pages of papers for our loan. Now we just have to get Jeff's signature and MAYBE I can breathe a little bit. We have been packing and packing and packing since last week. We decided that it was time to get rid of several "large" items since we either didn't need them anymore or didn't really have a place for it. I posted an ad on Craigslist Sunday afternoon that we are going to have a moving sale on Saturday. Yesterday, we had someone come look at our pub table I had listed and when we opened our garage, he started to shop! He ended up leaving with 1/2 our stuff and we ended up with $390! It's really neat to see God continue to provide. Especially since our first OB payment is due next Friday! Anyway, we are still set to close on September 12th. We have movers coming to move our heavy items on Friday, the 14th and then we have to be out the 15th. I so cannot wait to get over there and start decorating. Fall is my absolute favorite season and I have some fun fall decorations in mind for our house thanks to Pinterest. Oh, and baby update ~ Everything is great. I'm not feeling sick anymore and not even that tired. I think the whole house thing has really helped. I've had lots of energy to pack and move things into the garage. I will be 12 weeks at our appointment next Friday so I hope I get to hear the baby's heartbeat. Jeff can't take off to go to the appointments with me so I'll be going to most of them alone, but I guess that's the 3rd baby for us! :) The kids are still so excited and Emily had to get in some extra kisses to the baby this morning. I'm thankful they are excited about it and it's been sweet to watch them talk about it.

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