Monday, September 10, 2012

Second Trimester and 1 Day!

I officially started my second trimester Friday. The kids absolutely love Fridays because I tell them what fruit the baby is the size of. Baby is the size of a lemon this week. I feel great and depending on the clothes I wear, my family can tell there's a bump. Surprisingly, I've had a good bit of energy. I'm not sure if that's because I'm completely consumed with the house stuff or if I just have more energy this time. We think we have narrowed the names down to either Caleb/Catherine or Hudson/Hadley. Either way, we feel certain the middle name will be Gregory or Grace. Oh, and NO, we are not having twins, but since we are not going to find out what we are having, I want to stick to the same initials so I can get some things monogrammed before he/she gets here. The One Day part of the title refers to ONE DAY UNTIL CLOSING!! After a crazy week last week, I have never been more ready to get this done with! We were originally supposed to close Wednesday, but everything was finished a little early so we got to move it up to tomorrow at 4pm. We plan on taking a load over there after we close and I'll spend the night cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms. Thankfully the carpet is new so I don't have to get that cleaned. It's in great shape, but has been vacant for over a year so it's due for a deep cleaning. We are so excited and can't wait for this week to be over so we can be done with the physical moving part of it and just to the unpacking phase.

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