Tuesday, April 30, 2013

8 Weeks

Gracious how time is flying by! It's been 8 weeks since we welcomed our Callie Grace and it seems like I was just sitting in the rocker trying to rock myself into labor! What a sweet and perfect explanation point she is to our family. She's been sleeping through the night since pretty much 2 days old. There were a couple of nights when she woke up around 2 or 3am, but for the most part, it would be 5am. Now she sleeps from 8:30pm-6:30am. Yeah, we are BLESSED!!! Jeff and I were just talking about how we don't feel like we experienced the typical sleep deprived newborn stage. There are no complaints here! We know that God has graciously blessed us with a good sleeper. She still sleeps a lot during the day, but mainly in the morning. The afternoons and evenings are more full of awake time. I'm still trying to figure out a balance because I think sometimes the afternoon awake time gets a bit overstimulating to her. She has lost a lot of her hair which makes me sad, but still has a good amount. She's also lost that newborn look. She smiles ALL THE TIME and has recently discovered her tongue. She's such a fun baby and really goes with the flow. She's been to Preston's baseball games, practice, Emily's school program, and I'm sure many other events I cannot remember right now. She likes her bedtime of 8:30, but can be stretched if needed. Preston and Emily are still having fun playing with her, but the newness has worn off and they aren't arguing over who gets to hold her anymore. They still take turns sitting by her in the car and love showing her off to their friends. They are huge helpers which is another huge blessing. I think it's safe to say that all 4 of us are in love with this sweet baby girl. :)

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